It's been absolutely all things go at the farm this week. Lambs popping out in the field and the shed, plenty of triplets to be twinned onto more milky mothers and a farm record busting 6 calves born within a 48 hour period. Our small team numbers have been bolstered by Hannah, a lovely Welsh volunteer here for the month and our semi retired brother in law who could give us a week to shovel poo, clean pens, roll fields and generally remind himself why he'd spent a working lifetime in an office.
The day begins with shed checks by 6am - pairing up any new borns with their mothers and moving family groups to smaller pens, morning field rounds to bring in anything cold and pop it in the warmer box and the first of 4 daily bottle feeding rounds for any little ones needing a top up. Regular field and shed checks maintained through the day, snatches of free time spent spreading dung, chopping wood and eating where possible. Final checks after dinner at 10pm to deal with anything and quite possibly a witching hour visit to the cattle to ensure safe delivery of a new born calf. Thank goodness the kids are off school these next two weeks.
I got a day pass on Thursday to represent the farm at the Federation of Small Business Scotland awards in Edinburgh. Having been thrilled to be nominated by a customer for an award I was speechless (not common) to find Old Leckie the winner of the Business and Product Innovation Award. Was great to meet folks from all walks of Scotland's small business community and have all the hard work of Team Old Leckie and our fabulous customer support recognised - well done!
Talking of holidays please don't forget to let us know if you need to skip eggs - Hilary is in the office every Monday afternoon prepping delivery paperwork so early notice is much appreciated. Also happening this Monday is our annual Lambing Live tour of the farm - you can join us at 1pm via the
Go Rural Scotland Facebook page for a 30 minute tour. There are farms all round Scotland taking part over the next 2 weeks so sit back and enjoy. Back to the rounds - will soon look like we're all sleep walking so wake me up when its all over!