It’s going to be a lovely day weather wise today and we’re planning to make the most of it – tatties to be lifted and sheep to be dosed. Luckily we’ve got a friend of the girls staying so will have lots of pairs of hands to help. First up though is the bull pen – not for the fainthearted, and unfortunately probably not for the kids – that is if we want their good humour for the other jobs.
Cattle, like humans, are pregnant for 9 months. They have fertility cycles just like us too, meaning that they can get pregnant on a regular basis. We try to batch our calving into 2 periods each year – Spring and Autumn calvers. Like with the sheep and tups then we only have the bulls in with the cattle 9 – 10 months before we want to calve. To keep the calving periods manageable we need to move them out promptly to avoid a lengthy calving season.
The bull pen provides housing for our male team members as they rotate round the herd. Secure housing with inside and outside facilities, adjacent to the main animal yards, it’s a really useful space. It’s one downside is that we have nothing mechanical to aide in the cleaning of it. Normally a 3 hour job for 4 people to fork and shovel out compacted poo - with just Fergus and I you can do the maths. Luckily we got past half way yesterday so this morning are motivated to get it finished, cleaned and re-bedded for the new arrival whom we will move down at lunchtime. Anyone in need of some morning cardio please make your way along!
Hope you have a good week – don’t forget to let us know of any adjustments to egg orders, or get your meat orders in for delivery / pick up.