I really like having a routine - it gives a bit of structure to the day and, when needed, a kick up the proverbial to get out of bed and get going. The daily commute down the drive to drop kids off at the school bus stop could be tedious. But at 8am every day I'm in the same place at the same time and its fascinating to see the seasons roll over, the increments of daylight shifting as the sun waxes and wanes. Add some sheep or cattle into the scene and it evolves even further. A good opportunity to check stock and on frosty mornings a pastoral image of warm breaths rising in the cold air.
Did anyone else feel like getting out to the garden in Saturday's sunshine? I've completely ignored the polytunnel and greenhouse these last few months, but with the arrival of 2023 salad seeds in the post it was a good nudge to get out and about. So a satisfying afternoon was spent collecting up various items displaced by the winds of winter and tidying the greenhouse and getting seed trays sorted. Fingers crossed that the hard frosts have checked the flea beetle populations - if we get another season like last year we will need to rethink our Leckie Leaves.
Fergus was away to Portugal last week. He was trying to persuade us it was mostly dull, inside a conference hall, however he did return with a selection of delicacies and their origin stories so don't think it could have been all bad. Struan and I were grateful for Ambroise, our french volunteer. With a command of english better than our own and an ability to keep his sense of humour regardless of time, task or weather he's been a great help. We just need to figure out how to persuade him to stay a bit longer!