What a weekend. The sunshine and warmth helping to lift the spirits against the ongoing darkness elsewhere. It was jumper weather on the farm yesterday and the annual 'first lunch outside' was duly marked up on the calendar as the sunglasses got dusted off.
Struan has been off this last week on holiday. He normally works 3 or 4 days a week with us doing all manner of day to day jobs on the farm so when he's not here we really miss him. A holiday to Ireland on the ferry sounded just perfect until P+O decided to suspend sailings. His mum tells us that she thinks he was sailing with another carrier. We're hoping so - the dynamic of working with your spouse has its ups and downs - especially when days are long. Having a third party around definitely makes us behave better towards each other so fingers crossed he's back safe and sound tomorrow.
I was hoping to have good news about the hens housing restriction being lifted this week. They have now, by law, been held inside for 16 weeks due to the high prevalence of avian flu in the UK. Under the marketing rules there is an exception made in such circumstances that allows eggs still to be labelled as free range in such a period of enforced housing. After 16 weeks you legally have to call them Barn Eggs, even if the restrictions remain in place. In previous years they have always lifted the housing orders at 16 weeks, but with a number of Scottish cases confirmed this week they have extended it for another few weeks. So, from tomorrow all eggs laid need to be sold as Barn Eggs, so you'll see a wee stamp on the boxes saying this. Lets hope they will get out into the sunshine soon.