Do you ever get that feeling when you are really really excited about something but its not 100% confirmed and you don’t want to jinx it by telling people unit it’s actually ‘in the bag’? I’ve got a bit of that going on at the moment - bear with me until next week and hopefully will be able to tell you all some fab news!
Until then we still have some other new beginnings afoot on the farm... Up first the annual sheep scan which lets us get a better idea of how many singles, twins and triplets we're expecting come April... Stuart the scanner spent an early morning with us, and all our ladies, using an ultrasound to spot tiny embryos. That'll be our 9th scan since being back at the farm and I'm still none the wiser at how to interpret that moving black and white image - another farming superpower that continues to evade me. With 747 lambs due the first two weeks of April I better get back to some serious training.
A bit further west I was very sorry to hear that our Killearn stockist - the fabulous Hewitt and Aker deli - had shut its doors. Sirin and Paul were my very first retail customer 6 years ago - giving me some much needed confidence that our egg plans weren't nuts - I wish them both every luck in future ventures. We've had a number of queries from customers based in Balfron and Killearn to see if we would extend our home delivery service out to there and we are actively exploring this at the moment. If you know of anyone on the Balfron / Killearn / A81 loop that may be interested please do forward this on and ask them to drop me an email to it would be great if we can establish interest levels to see if we can make it work.
We've got a full freezer again - plenty of outdoor pork and highland beef available to order via the online shop here