This week the snow finally fell in earnest. For us it was the perfect type - soft, fluffy, good for snowman building and sledging ... but 48 hours later and it's all gone. Although the fields are sodden, the burn teeteringly high with snow melt and a sharp bite to the wind, it is better than having to start carrying hay out the ewes in the field through the white stuff.
We got home from our short break just in time to catch the last of it, and were immensely thankful that the team back at the farm had kept all the balls juggling through a week of storms, staff absence and sheep break outs! After a quiet January the school holiday week has kicked off our farmstay bookings for the year - it's lovely to a lot of familiar faces returning to use us a holiday base, but great also to have quite a few international visitors booked in again.
We are getting ready this week to welcome 40 French farmers on a visit. They should have been here 2 years ago before Covid got in the way so it will feel like a real marker to have them finally here. Mind you over that period their original group size has grown some and teas and coffees have morphed into a 3 course lunch of Leckie produce so suspect this week will mostly be spent tidying up, cooking and keeping our fingers crossed that it dries up in time for our own entente cordiale before the six nations rugby game on Saturday.
In the freezer our highland beef stocks have shrunk to almost nothing (one or two wee treats lurking if you love a featherblade!). We have a beast currently 'hanging' due for butchery the first week in March so if you want to reserve a 10kg box please do via the
online shop. Boxes are available to post UK wide.