Anyone else feeling like today has just gone on forever? I've just come in from finishing the end of day rounds, sat down with a cuppa and noticed its almost 7pm. The last few weeks have seen us already adjusted onto British Summer Time - feeling super fit with early starts and early bedtimes. I didn't think today would feel as long as it has then. I blame the annual amnesia that dark nights bring - an evening wind down with the light that allows you to take the foot off the gas. With the light still 'up' there's always one more job that can be done and the workload seems to swell to fit.
No sooner was the Byre was cleaned to within an inch of its life than the lambing pens began to fill up with some of the first arrivals of the year. We had tups push into a field of ewes a couple of weeks before they were due to 'go out' . They were only there for an hour but had set straight to work so we were anticipating some unplanned early arrivals. Unfortunately the births coincided with the strong winds and heavy rains of the start of the week so quite a few had to be brought in for a bit of TLC. Things will start to pick up more this week so today has been spent shuffling things around in the big shed to build the main pens for the ewes having singles and triplets, and we will shortly move all the ewes expecting twins back to the fields closest to the farm.
I was laughing reading back last weeks newsletter. Despite thinking calving was also still a couple of weeks away this week has seen 10 more calves born - 3 in one day! Pleased to report that all are well and the wee mite from last weekend is now sucking independently and frolicking around with it's new playmates. Now that we're in the thick of it we're hoping it continues a pace - would be great to get the bulk of it out the way before we're in the full on lambing zone. Elsewhere on the farm there's more new life in the greenhouse. With the really cold weather (hopefully) behind us the first salad trays have germinated well - the final bed prep in the polytunnel another one to add to the to-do list. At least we've got all that extra light now to get it done!