Sometimes there is just something in the air and it seems contagious. Monday morning dawned with the discovery of a field of cows decamped onto the farm track. With a bit of help from Struan (who was supposed to be on a day off) they got shuffled back into their field without too much bother. The day finished with a worried call from a neighbour after an amorous young steer had jumped two fences to get in with his female cows.
We put the ranger in another field with our cows only to discover on Tuesday morning he was gone. After a search we found him 2 fields over, in with a different group. The young lad wasn't supposed to have any working equipment but the vet visit later that day confirmed the ringing job done when very young had only half worked.
The following day we went to move sheep only to discover the trouble maker had now led a mass breakout of that field into our woods. Cue some choice words and the next two days spent repairing and fortifying fences. As I write on Sunday am pleased to report everything is where it should be.
With the UCI World Cycling Championships almost upon we have significant road closures for 3 days from Wednesday 9th August - Friday 11th August. Our current plan is to adjust deliveries to the following:
Kippen customers: Tuesday 8th August
Anprior / Buchlyvie / Aberfoyle / Thornhill customers: Wednesday 9th August**
Gargunnock customers: Saturday 12th August
There will be no on farm pick ups during this period.
**at the moment we think we can get early access out but we may find different on the day. If we can't get out then likely will be Saturday or Sunday before we get to you.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.